NaNoWriMo started last night at midnight! Due to crippling stuck-in-bed disease (long story), I was unable to do much of anything yesterday but homework and mope. Halloween = my favorite holiday + stupid stupid stupid stuck-in-bed disease. So! I start today!
And the weirdest thing of all... I think I'm gonna try to write a romance. Or the Train Pirates story thing I wanted to write ages and ages ago. Which is mostly a romance anyway. Hm. Maybe. Maaaaaaybe... I'll need to look at my plot line, it's stuffed in one of my many notebooks.
OFF I GO! Happy NaNo-ing!
And the weirdest thing of all... I think I'm gonna try to write a romance. Or the Train Pirates story thing I wanted to write ages and ages ago. Which is mostly a romance anyway. Hm. Maybe. Maaaaaaybe... I'll need to look at my plot line, it's stuffed in one of my many notebooks.
OFF I GO! Happy NaNo-ing!